How to Build a Six Meter Ham Radio Dipole Antenna.
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: . This is post 2174 is a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Thanks to Randy Hall (K7AGE) for this excellent tutorial on how to design, build, test, and operate a simple Six Meter Dipole Antenna. Some radio amateurs call the 6 Meter Band the "Magic Band" for its unusual HF and VHF characteristics. When the band is open, you'll experience some interesting DX contacts--all with a simple, inexpensive antenna that can be made with locally available parts. Randy describes the antenna this way: "This video I show you how to build a 6 meter ham radio dipole antenna. This is another video to help you get on six meter. In this video I explain the half wave dipole antenna and show as an example the dipole that I built. A half wave dipole is one of the simplest antennas that you can build. The dipole is usually two pi...