
Zepp Antenna Theory. Post #1448.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Zepp (or Zeppelin) Antennas in their myriad forms can provide a wealth of experimental data for radio amateurs seeking to improve the performance of their antennas.  In this video, Stan (W1GV) does an excellent job of explaining the theory, design, and operating characteristics of an antenna design going back more than 80 years.  For a further experiment, try building an Extended Double Zepp antenna for some significant gain and directivity.  The EDZ is a collinear array of two 5/8 waves in phase, which can be used on small city lots for frequencies above 20 meters.  If you have the space, build an EDZ for 40 and 80 meters.  For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is ...

The 6 Meter Delta Loop Tutorial. Post #1447.

If you can't view this video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: In this well-constructed and easy-to-follow video tutorial from Martin (M0ZMF), we learn how to convert commonly available materials into a 6 Meter Delta Loop Antenna that has excellent and proven capabilities for both home and portable use.  Martin provides a helpful materials list and a series of easily understood building sequences to help you with this project.  This video should be part of your reference library. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday).  This week's edition was suspended because of the Easter Holiday). (Amateur Radio News &...

Portable HF Ham Radio Antenna. Post #1446.

If you can't see this video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Rusty (N0KTZ) has done an excellent job of showing how to erect a portable HF antenna during a field outing in the mountains. His set up is simple, effective, and fairly stealthy.  Materials for his antenna launcher and wire holder are available at your neighborhood building supply outlet  You can't beat a simple slingshot, fishing line, and sinkers for launching your HF antenna above nearby trees.  You may want to practice with your slingshot before launching your portable HF antenna.  Rusty takes you step-by-step through the launch sequence.  Well-done video with many helpful suggestions. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday.  This Frid...

Hidden Antenna for HOA restrictions (Parts 1 & 2). Post #1445.

Hidden Antenna for HOA restrictions (Parts 1 & 2). Accessed on 29 March 2018, 0438 UTC, Post #1445. Please click link or enter the post title into your browser search box to read the full article. Comment: Operating an amateur radio station in a deed-restricted environment governed by HOAs and CC&Rs can be a daunting challenge, especially if your interest lies in the HF portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this post, we see how a little ingenuity and creativity can get you on the air without raising the suspicions of the "antenna police". Here are some of the interesting HF antennas that can be used in HOA/CC&R controlled areas: PAR/LNR Precision End Fedz wires for 20 and 40 meters. Rotary Clothes Hoist. Retractable clothes line. Rain Gutters Zero-Five Flagpole Antenna. Attic Antennas. Each antenna is fully explained and is accompanied by hel...

Don's 2 Meter Extreme Dream Beam Antenna. Post #1444.

If you can't see this video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: A thoroughly fascinating, free-ranging discussion on how to build an extremely efficient, cost effective 2 meter beam antenna with a claimed gain of 12.5 dBi.  This video is slightly different than most DIY (do it  yourself) video guides.  Don and his friend actually show how they shopped, selected, and tested their materials before assembling the antenna.  All of the parts were obtained in neighborhood stores.  The video also explains how these two radio amateurs used an antenna analyzer to determine performance stats for frequency and SWR.  You may want to make one of these "Extreme Dream Beam Antennas" for Field Day or for your home station. For more Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly...

How to determine coaxial cable length correctly for your antenna. Post #1443.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: A helpful guide on how to determine the right length of coaxial cable for your antenna.  The video from YG1CCR also shows you how to make coaxial cable work as an impedance transformer and how to make proper SWR measurements. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). http://amateurradionewsinformation (Amateur Radio News & Information). Views expressed in this video are those of the reporters and correspondents. Be sure to check the blog sidebars and links for more antenna and propagation articles. Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

160m Short Vertical Loft Antenna-G3XBM QRP WERBSITE. Post #1442.

160m Short Vertical Loft Antenna-G3XBM QRP WEBSITE Author:  Roger (G3XBM). Please click link to read the full article. Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM) Comment: In a previous post, I showed how a little creativity and experimentation can launch a full-sized 160 meter Amateur Radio antenna.  Fortunately, the two radio amateurs in this video had enough land and tall supports to make this antenna work. If you don't have these advantages, can you still get on 160 meters with a usable signal?  If you're Roger (G3XMB), the answer is a resounding "Yes".  By adopting a modified helical antenna design, Roger was able to put a small 160 meter vertical antenna in his loft (attic).  The idea was to wind a length of PVC piping with as much wire as I could find (a bit like a helical, but on 160m), attach some top capacitance in the form of a couple of horizontal wires, ...