A 30 Meter Sloping Dipole Antenna. Post #236
The 30 Meter Amateur Radio band (10.100 MHz to 10.150 MHz) is territory for the cw and digital enthusiast. You can find cw operators around 10.105 MHz and many Japanese hams clustering around 10.130 MHz. In between, you'll find RTTY, PSK 31, FAX, and other digital modes. If you're a cw operator, 30 Meters can be the place to make new friendships at a leisurely pace while increasing your sending and receiving skills. Antennas for this tiny sliver of the rf spectrum are modest and inexpensive to build with many materials obtainable from the nearest home improvement outlet or hardware store. Over the past few weeks, I've built several 30 Meter antennas for my new house lot in the Puna District, including an inverted vee, a ground plane, a delta loop, and even an inverted "L". All have worked well. The latest addition to my growing antenna farm is a 30 Meter halfwavelength sloping dipole. This variation of the basic horizontal, halfwavelength flat top di...