Simple Antennas for the Amateur Radio Operator--a continuing series
What kind of antenna will you be using during the ARRL Field Day (23-24 June 2012)? If you will celebrate the event by going to a club site on that Saturday and Sunday, you may be using anything from a tribander on a portable tower to phased verticals and everything in between. One of the enjoyable aspects of Field Day is using antennas that you may never be able to afford or build. Also, your club may be using state of the art transceivers, solar power, or even wind- generated power for this communications exercise. One never knows what operating system will present itself when you take your place facing a new rig or a new logging system. That is part of the thrill associated with Field Day. I will be lucky this year. The normal 2-day summer drag race set for that day has been shortened to one day, which means my tower announcing duties will be brief. I will still have time to meet members of the Big Island Amateur Radio Club that Saturday night...