Multiband HF portable antenna, the easy way. Post 1678.
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here's a simple, inexpensive, and totally portable HF vertical antenna suitable for field and emergency use. AC2TJ has done an excellent job of creating a "vertical helix" antenna capable of covering 80 through 10 meters with an antenna "tuner". A tripod, a flexible 20-foot/6.09 meters telescoping fiberglass mast, some antenna wire, and a simple ground radial or counterpoise system wraps up the portable package. I've used similar spirally-wrapped antennas for several years with excellent results. The key is to wrap about a 1/2 wavelength of wire for your chosen frequency along the full length of the fiberglass mast. The wrapped 1/2 wavelength wire behaves like a 1/4 wavelength vertical. Be sure to add a few 1/4 wavelength ground radials for your lowest chosen frequency to improve the efficiency of the antenna.