
Showing posts with the label What in the world is WSPR? (Part 2).

Simple Ham Radio Antennas--What in the world is WSPR? (PART 2). Post #429.

If you have trouble viewing this video, please enter the title link into your browser: This is part 2 of "Calgary Toad's" tutorial on WSPR, a weak signal mode designed for the QRP Amateur Radio Community. This mode is becoming popular with hams experimenting in the 630 meter band (472 kHz to 479 kHz). The use of the mode may increase now that the FCC will release segments of the 2200 meter (137 kHz-138 kHz) and 630 meter (472 kHz to 479 kHz) bands for Amateur Radio use in the United States. There will be power and antenna restrictions placed on these bands, so weak signal modes such as WSPR will find an immediate application. I think it's time for me to order a WSPR kit and see what I can find on these two "basement" bands. For a first time effort, these two videos are quite good. For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars. These news feeds are updated daily. You can follow our bl...