
Showing posts with the label Vertical antennas.

The Keep It Simple Guide To Counterpoise Wires.

  Thank to Walt (K4OGO) for this exceptionally clear explanation of the theory and practice behind counterpoise wires and ground radial sytems. Most 1/4 wavelength vertial antennas need some king of ground radial system to function efficiently and safely.  The radial field supplies the "missing" part of most vertical antenna systems. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are some comments from Walt (K4OGO): A simple explanation of counterpoise wires for portable ham radio vertical antennas. #hamradio #portableradio #hamradioantenna Link to Rudy Severn's website: Link to Callum's video ( ā€Ŗ@DXCommanderHQā€¬ ):     ā€¢ Vertical Antennas 101: The Importance...   Link to FCC Ground Conductivity map:

Simple Ham Radio Antennas: A 12 meter Pepsi can vertical antenna. Post #323.

Great video by Dave Turlock! It's time to recycle those aluminum soft drink cans and turn them into functioning amateur radio antennas. Dave says this antenna can be used on 10 meters, 11 meters (CB), and even the 15 meter amateur radio bands. With the price of copper tubing going higher every day, this economical approach to a metal vertical makes a lot of sense. I would be concerned, however, in making sure the cans were joined together tightly to maintain integrity throughout the length of the antenna. Some of the paint would have to be removed from the joined sections to make sure aluminum met aluminum along the entire length of the vertical. "QST" published a story in the late 1950s about a ham who built a beautiful "beer can" antenna for 40 meters, complete with guylines and an extensive ground system. That antenna worked very well. Although I pride myself in making antennas out of the scrap wire and metal lying about my shack, I've never tried...