Using aluminum window screen as a counterpoise for portable antenna.
Do you want a simple, easily installed counterpoise for your vertical HF antenna? In this video, David Casler (KE0OG) explains how Michael Martens (KB9NBR) used a roll of common aluminum window screen for some of his portable operations. This stuff really works, and can save you hours of laying out a ground radial system. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from David (KE0OG): Conrad, KN6VMK, told me that KB9VBR made a video where he used aluminum window screen instead of radio wires. Watch to learn more on why this works. Here is the link to KB9VBR video: • Window screen ant... Subscribe: / davecasler . Giveaway Info: Edited and Videographed by Aidan Jakeman To learn more about me, visit: To support my channel ...