
Showing posts with the label Using a magnetic loop antenna in a modern building

Using a magnetic loop antenna in a modern building

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This post 2574 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Radio amateurs living or working in deed-restricted properties face difficult antenna options. Sometimes, a magnetic loop antenna can get you on the air. But as Carl (M0SZT) points out magnetic loop antennas have severe limitations if you operate from a modern, steel-concrete building. Here are some of Carl's observations: I was hoping to get some success making QSO's on HF from my office space using an indoor antenna . The innovation centre I'm based at is s new build and the construction makes it very difficult to get signals in and out using a magnetic loop as the antenna. Here are a pick of essential amateur radio items from my Amazon Associates: Foundation Licence Manual: for Radio Amateurs: ā€‹ Xiegu G90 HF Amateur Radio Transceiver: https:...