
Showing posts with the label Underground Dipole-The COLLAPSE my ideas of Ham Antennas.

Underground Dipole-The COLLAPSE of my ideas of Ham Antennas.

If you want a truly "invisible" antenna for your home station or for that impromptu "field" operation, please try this "underground dipole antenna" from YL Raisa (R1BIG). See what happens when Raisa buries her dipole antenna in a layer of sand from a nearby beach...a very intriguing project that performs better than expected. If you can't see the video, please insert this tile URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Raisa (R1BIG): 17,269 views Jul 15, 2023 #hamradio #r1big #oh7bg Help me to understand. I planned this test as a joke, but it turned out serious. Successful QSOs on an antenna that is invisible and buried in the sand!! And this - on the day with bad propagation because of magnetic storm. To get an SWR 1.4 on 14.200 MHz I had to shorten the antenna in half! And it worked still well even with DX Stations from Siberia. Dear hams, how is this possible? -- To watch more re...