Ultimate Bugout Bag Radio. Post #1482.
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDYSF5KAA8M. In this video, Julian (OH8STN) discusses the ultimate survival communications radio, the features it has, what makes it so useful, and how it can provide reliable contact when you're out in the field. In Julian's view, the "ultimate survival radio" must be low cost, multi-band capable, low weight, sturdy, and battery-powered. Julian uses the popular Yaesu FT-817 series of transceivers to illustrate his point. He also refers to several portable antennas that can be used in field or emergency operations. Overall, this video is an excellent introduction to survival communications. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: http://www.arrl.org. http://www.arrl.org/arrl-audio-news (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). https://hamradiohawaii.wordpress.com. http