Top Band Vertical for a small garden or backyard.
Radio amateurs living on small urban lots have serious challenges erecting efficient, short antennas for the 160-meter Amateur Radio Band. In this video from Mike (M0MON), addresses this problem with a creative use of loading coils and rather small support structures. While the antenna has limitations, it will get you on "Top Band" with a decent signal. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are a few comments from Miked (M0MON): 32,079 views Nov 7, 2021 HAM RADIO: Top Band Vertical Small Garden /Back Yard - 160M band DX Commander MOD. Base loading Coil for 160M Top Band. You asked me to build a small garden/ back yard Antenna for the 160M band so I used the DX Commander as the starting point. turn your 80M inverted L into a Top band antenna or use your 40M vertical. Please note that both antennas ar...