The 'L' Dipole Antenna for Ham Radio. Post 2066.
If you can't see the video, please insert this URL title link into your browser search box: Most radio amateurs have heard about the "Inverted V" antenna as a way of getting almost all of the dipole antenna's advantages in a smaller space. What happens if we reverse the Inverted V and transform it into a "L" antenna? In this well-paced and easily understood video, Johnny (W5KV) uses some easily available parts from MFJ, Buddipole, and Wolf River Coils to make an efficient portable antenna that takes up little space. The finished product can be used for both portable and home-based operations. Here's a list of the materials used for this antenna project: MFJ-1979: Wolf-River Coil: Buddipole Versatee: Buddipole Choke Balun: Spring: En