
Showing posts with the label Survival Antennas 1: The Coax only antenna

Survival Antennas 1: The Coax only antenna.

If your antenna collapsed today, could you get back on the air with only the materials found in your home or ham shack? In this video from Brett of the "SurvivalComms" youtube channel, we see how a random length of coaxial cable, a multitool, and some rope/cordage can get you on the air in a relatively short time. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is post 2536 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Brett does an excellent job of providing an alternative antenna for the one lost to Nature or other circumstances. Here are some comment from Brett: First in a series of easy to build field expedient antennas that will save your bacon. Using a damaged hank of coax we build a simple antenna using just a multitool and cordage. Build skills , save money, have fun . For our metric system viewers : 1/2 wavelength formula 144/Fmhz = 1/2 wavelength in meters #survival...