
Showing posts with the label Stealth HOA Ham Radio antenna flag pole.

Stealth HOA Ham Radio antenna flag pole.

Radio amateurs living in deed-restricted housing face difficult antenna choices. Among the antenna choices available for our fellow hams, is the stealth antenna disguised as a flag pole. In this video, Bob (KD4BMG) show how he stayed on the air with an end-fed wire supported by the "Chameleon Antenna Cha Portamast", which also serves as a flag pole. Bob lists the materials and construction procedures used to erect this HOA friendly antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Bob (KD4BMG): This is how I operate on ham radio HF frequencies in the HOA with my stealth end fed wire supported by the Chameleon Antenna Cha Porta Mast -- it doubles as a Flagpole SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: 🥇Anker Products: 👊Patreon: 🎟️YouTube Membership:     / @hoahamradio   💵Tip Jar: htt...