Spiderbeam's Light 7m Antenna Mast
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TR8Ba2SiFc This is post 2660 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. If you need a lightweight, easily portable mast for your next "field operation", please consider the masts manufactured by Spiderbeam. In this video, Gil of the "Radiopreppers.com" website analyzes the performance of the new 7 meter (22.9 ft) telescoping mast from Spiderbeam. This antenna mast would be a welcome addition to your emergency "go-kit" or ARRL Field Day package. Here are some comments from Gil: Just like its big brother the Spiderbeam 12m mast, which I have been using for years and almost every time I operate portable, the much lighter and shorter (collapsed) 7m model does not disappoint. There is a 10m model also. Those two are perfect for traveling, much stronger than a fishing pole while still quite affordable. Thumbs up from me! Masts: h