
Showing posts with the label Six meter ham radio dipole for VHF contests

Six meter ham radio dipole for VHF contests.

  Take advantage of 6 meter E-skip openings in January and June with this easily made dipole antenna.  The antenna is easy-to-make and can be used at your home station or in the field for a variety of events, including the Annual ARRL Field Day exercise. In this video, Kyle (KA5D) shows us how to build a sturdy, efficient, and cost-effective dipole antenna for the "magic band." I you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are a few comments from KA5D: From Get on the 6m magic band during the second weekend of every June for the North American VHF contest, and listen for our contest rover KA5D/R. Here is an example of a rigid dipole you can build on short order, with nothing made of unobtainium, that will get you skipping across the E layer on six meters USB. Tune this for 50.125 Mhz. Each leg I eventually trimmed