Quick 6-Meter Mobile Antenna. Post #1388.
Quick 6-Meter Mobile Antenna. Source: QST, February 2018, Vol. 102, No. 2, p. 94. This short post is a follow on to the 6-Meter video tutorial posted on 29 Janaury 2018 (Post #1387) by Randy Hall (K7AGE). While I was searching for some 6-meter mobile antenna ideas, I ran across this article in the February 2018 edition of "QST" published by the ARRL (American Radio Relay League). This brief article was part of "The World Above 50 MHz" column, pp. 93 to 96. According to the article, you can find a quick, cheap, and effective 6-meter mobile antenna by using a 5/8 wave 2-meter mobile antenna. The column states that "the 2-meter 5/8 wave whip is about 1/4 wave long on 50 MHz. The loading coil is essentially invisible at 50 MHz. Thus, you have two bands--50 and 144 MHz--mobile with one antenna. You may have to adjust the length a little to optimize the standing-wave ration (SWR) on 50 MHz." If you choose to use your 5/8 wave 2-m...