Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Part 2 - Ham Radio Antenna Radials. Post #677
If you're having difficulty viewing this video, please insert this address into your browser search box: This is part 2 of a tutorial on the use of ground radials in a vertical antenna system. "Hamradiocrazy" continues his explanation by emphasizing the importance of a ground radial system in maintaining the efficiency and increasing the performance of a ground mounted vertical antenna--in this case, a Hustler 4BTV HF vertical antenna. The video shows how to make a solid connection to the DX Engineering ground plate and how to pin the ground radial wires in place. This video shows six, 45-feet/13.1 meter radial wires connected to the ground plate at the bottom of the vertical. In the case of ground-mounted verticals, the more radials the better, although conventional wisdom suggests that 32 radials cut to a .2 wavelength is the point of diminishing returns. The video is clear, easy to understand, and covers most of the practical issues i