Of Hyperbands and Hams. Post #692.
Of Hyperbands and Hams (http://www.radiomagazine.com/deep-dig/0005/of-hyperbands-and-hams-37408). Accessed on 17 February 2016, 22:45 hrs, UTC. Author: "The Wandering Engineer." Please click link or insert address into you browser search box. Comment: As a former broadcast news director and part-time broadcast engineer , I still remain fascinated by the communications wonder known as AM radio. This article by the anonymous "Wandering Engineer" struck a familiar chord and reinforced a wonderful memory. According to this experienced radio engineer, not enough of us in the Amateur Radio Community talk about the "hyperband" and its standard medium wave broadcast cousin or the role ham radio plays in our profession. The author believes it was the "romance" of AM radio many years ago that spurred our interest in becoming amateur radio operators and, eventually, broadcast engineers. You can get a feel for what the standard broadcast band