
Showing posts with the label Multiband EFHW Base Anenna with 49:1 UnUn

Multiband EFHW Base Antenna with 49:1 UnUn

Here's another great multiband EFHW antenna idea from Paul (OM0ET). The key to the success of this antenna is a home made 49:1 UnUn using a FT-240-43 Toroid Core. Make one of these antennas for your home station or for emergency/portable operations. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Paul (OM0ET): CORRECTION: Toroid core is used FT240-43 (not 140-43) My new home made Multiband End Fed Half Wave Antenna which has been designed mainly for 40M band (7MHz), but this antenna tunes also on 20M-15M-10M without any traps or additional coils. This antenna is made for 100W RF input power and is 19,129m long. SWR on 40M band is 1:1.1 within the phone section and less than 1:1.5 within a whole band. The 49:1 UNUN box is weather proof and all holes for components I drilled were sealed against the water. On the end of the video you can see also an extre