KD7DHB 6 meter halo Antenna Trial version 1.0. Post #1037.
If you're having trouble viewing this video, please enter this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0Tb_hXYUIQ. Here's a simple, basic halo antenna that will get you on the often exciting and somewhat challenging 6 meter amateur radio band . This band is often called the " Magic Band " because of its HF and VHF characteristics. This short video from KD7DHB shows one way of building an inexpensive, yet effective antenna for this band. Most of the materials can be found at the nearest building supply or home improvement center. You may have to buy the coaxial cable from a ham radio store. A few hours effort will reward you with a basic antenna that performs well and is easy to raise and lower. For the latest Amateur Radio news and information, please visit these sites: http://www.HawaiiARRL.info. https://oahuarrlnews.wordpress.com. https://bigislandarrlnews.wordpress.com. http://www.kh6jrm.info (breaking news for r