K7PP's Multi Band Fan Dipole Project Ham Radio. Post 1779.
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXqSY5JKQzs. Now that HF propagation is favoring the 160/80/40 meter amateur radio bands, you may want to consider a multiband antenna covering these bands. K7PP wanted to cover 160/80/40 meters with a single feed line without using an antenna "tuner", and still be effective, inexpensive, and relatively easy to build. In this video, K7PP takes us from start to finish with the "classic" Fan Dipole Antenna. The antenna has withstood several years of bad weather and continues to provide reliable 3-band coverage. K7PP says the only weak spot in his antenna design is the bamboo spreaders which have taken quite a beating from winter snow and ice. You can also configure this antenna as an inverted Vee, thus simplifying the construction process and eliminating several support masts. The fan dipole is a reliable, simple, and effective HF an...