Indoor Antennas In Apartment Building and other options.
"The Ask Dave" youtube programs produced by David Casler (KE0OG) are very popular with both newly licensed amateur radio operators and experienced "hams." In this video, Dave answers a question about limited space and indoor antennas from Randy (KF4RJH). Dave explores the various options available to meet this challenge, while still enjoying the thrill of making contacts under less than desirable conditions. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are some comments from Dave (KE0OG): Randy, KF4RJH, has some problems with space to put his antenna. He is asking me if he can put up an inverted dipole inside his apartment and how well it should work. Watch to learn more on his interesting situation. #indoor #hamsticks #magloop Subscribe: / davecasler . Giveaway Info: