
Showing posts with the label How to make a 20 meter Half Square Antenna with brackets

How to make a 20 meter Half Square Antenna with brackets

If you want to make a simple, effective DX antenna, then this 20 meter Half Square design from Chuck (KK6USY) may be what you need. Chuck takes us step-by-step through the design, construction, and testing phase of this useful antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Chuck (KK6USY): In this videoI show how I make your own DIY 20m Half Square antenna with brackets I made on my 3D printer. Can’t put up a really high horizontal antenna for 80-meter DXing? Maybe the vertically polarized “Half-Square” might bethe antenna for you. Merch. : https://kk6usy-ham-radio-adventures.m... As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Ferrule crimp tool, Silicone wire, Female BNC, Reference sites: Hamuniverse, Rudy Sevems, https://rudys....