
Showing posts with the label How to build a simple antenna on top bands.

How to build a simple antenna on top bands...Post 1770

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Despite the title, this exceptionally produced video from the Russian Federation (courtesy of RA9FTM) outlines what can be done with the proper site selection, equipment, and personnel.  The video takes you step-by-step through the installation of a sophisticated top band (160 Meters) antenna--a process that is far from simple.  What this video does so well is to outline what must be done to get maximum performance from amateur radio bands in the lower part of the HF radio spectrum.  The key to this antenna is a thoroughly planned process, incorporating the best equipment possible, a decent site for the antenna, and a well-trained crew familiar with tower design and safety.  This antenna could be managed by an amateur radio club, which would draw on the experience of its members.  If you want to install an antenna such as this,...