
Showing posts with the label How to build a 10 meter dipole antenna.

Simple Ham Radio Antennas--How To Build A 10 Meter Dipole. Post #458.

If you have trouble viewing this video, please enter this URL into your browser search box: Another great antenna tutorial from Randy Hall (K7AGE).  This time, Randy shows us how to build a simple, cheap, and effective dipole for  the 10 meter amateur radio band .  Technician Class licensees can use a large portion of the 10 meter band for CW , digital, and Phone communications.  In fact, the frequency range from 28.300 MHz to 28.500 MHz is specifically dedicated to Technician Class hams, although that portion of 10 meters is open to all licensed amateur radio operators .  When the band is open, all you need is a basic dipole at a convenient height (16 feet/4.87 meters above ground--just about a half-wavelength at 28.300 MHz) to get some nice contacts. Add some 50 ohm coaxial cable as a feed line, an antenna transmatch ("tuner") to take care of a small SWR mismatch, and around 8.26 feet/2.52 meters of #12 AWG household wir...

Simple Ham Radio Antennas--How To Build A 10 Meter Dipole. Post #430.

Excellent tutorial from Randy Hall (K7AGE) on how to build a basic dipole for the 10 meter band (28.000-29.999 MHz). Technician Class licensees can use SSB from 28.300 MHz to 28.500 MHz. This simple, easily built antenna will get you on the air quickly. For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars. These news feeds are updated daily. You can find more Amateur Radio news items at my two other blog sites: and You can follow our blog community with a free e-mail subscription or by tapping into the blog RSS feed. Thanks for joining us today! Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).