How To Moonbounce! - Ham Nation 428. Post 2056.
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: One of my favorite online video programs is "Ham Nation." The 1.5 hour program covers a variety of Amateur/Ham Radio-related topics, including news, propagation, antennas, DX contests, and technical questions. In program 428, we get an excellent tutorial on "How To Moonbounce"--something that can be done with modest equipment and homebrewed antennas. The discussion is clearly presented and is easily followed. Here are some of the other topics covered in this program: "YOTA Camp, equipment for moonbouncing. The Leonid Meteor Shower with Gordo, the AM band with George, Youth on the Air Camp at the Voice of America Museum with Neil Rapp and Jocelyn Brault, Amateur Radio Newsline with Don, Moonbouncing with Val and Lance Collister, your questions with Amanda and more! Hosts: Bob Heil, Gordon West, George Thomas, Don...