Ham Radio-Old TV rabbit ears as a junk box 2 meter antenna. Post #1438.
Ham Radio-Old TV rabbit ears as a junk box 2 meter antenna. Please click link to see the video. If the video doesn't respond, please enter this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdZeY-KihH8. Author: Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW). Comment: Kevin has done an excellent job of explaining how to convert an old TV rabbit ears antenna into a simple, inexpensive, and effective 2 meter antenna. I've built several of these 2 meter antennas from discarded televisions found at my local recycling center. Like Kevin, I enjoy "re-purposing" old parts and equipment for my various amateur/ham radio projects. This antenna is small, lightweight, and totally "stealthy" for those living in deed-restricted housing (HOAs and CC&Rs). Kevin takes you step-by-step through the antenna making modifications. This is an easy, rewarding, and ultra cheap project that can be used for both home and portable operations. Vi...