Ham Radio: Top Band Vertical Small Garden/Backyard Antenna.
It's not easy building a Top Band (160 meters) vertical antenna which will fit into a small garden or normal urban lot. If you already have an 80 meter vertical antenna, then this DX Commander mod from Mike (M0MSN) is for you. The secret to this modification of the popular DX Commander antenna is a homebuilt 160-meter coil which enables Top Band operations on an otherwise unsuitable antenna. Mike's instructions are clear, concise, and easy to follow. Good luck! If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUZzjMbtg_c. Here are some comments from Mike (M0MSN): HAM RADIO: Top Band Vertical Small Garden /Back Yard - 160M band DX Commander MOD. Base loading Coil for 160M Top Band. You asked me to build a small garden/ back yard Antenna for the 160M band so I used the DX Commander as the starting point. turn your 80M inverted L into a Top band antenna or use your 40M vertical. Plea...