
Showing posts with the label Ham Radio: Folded Dipole for HF.

Ham Radio: Folded Dipole for HF.

  Here's another "classic" HF antenna that's worth exploring--The Folded Half-Wave Dipole. In this video, Tim (G5TM) discusses the pros and cons of this unusual HF antenna.  The antenna is somewhat more difficult to build than the common dipole antenna and is not well-suited for portable operations. However, the high impedance of folded dipole allows the use of 300-ohm TV twin lead or 450-ohm ladder line as a feed cable...something you may want to consider if regular 50/75-ohm coax isn't availble. The folded dipole tends to be more broad-banded than the single wire dipole antenna. The folded dipole antenna once formed the foundation of popular roof-mounted television antennas in years gone by. This antenna is fun to build and can be an outstanding performer if it's designed properly. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 d...