Ham Radio Kite Antenna for POTA.
How would you like to try a different, somewhat challenging antenna for your next POTA (Parks On The Air) or SOTA (Summits On The Air) expedition? If you're in an experimental frame of mind, please check out this video from Mike of "Radioactive Antennas". Mike shows us how to use a kite to support an almost vertical end fed halfwave (EFHW) antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BrHCmd_oyQ Here are some comments from Mike: 3,460 views Feb 4, 2023 Ham Radio Kite Antenna Want to try something different? How about a near-vertical 40m EFHW? The Kite antenna is exactly what you are looking for. Easy to deploy and it has range! The are a few things you should know about this to prevent the destruction of your equipment. I will show you how to deploy this wonderful antenna! Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Radioactive Antennas 2.89K subscribers Thank...