
Showing posts with the label Ham Radio 10 Meter Loop Antenna.

Simple Ham Radio Antennas: Ham Radio 10 Meter Loop Antenna, Part 2 of 4. Post #373.

Here is part 2 of Dave Tadlock's (KG0ZZ) video tutorial on making a loop antenna for the 10 meter Amateur Radio Band. In this lesson, Dave gets down to assembling the necessary parts for the antenna, including the wire elements, insulators, feed lines, and pvc pipe needed for the loop frame. If you follow Dave's step-by-step plan, the antenna will go together fairly easily. Most of the materials can be obtained from the nearest home improvement or hardware store. This is a fun project. Stay tuned for parts 3 and 4. For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars. These news feeds are updated frequently. You can follow our blog community with a free email subscription or by tapping into the blog RSS feed. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Simple Ham Radio Antennas: Ham Radio 10 Meter Loop Antenna, Part 1 of 4. Post #372.

One of my favorite amateur radio activities is making my own wire antennas out of available materials. Among the antennas in my modest antenna "farm" are full-wave loops for 80, 40, and 20 meters, usually made out of #12 AWG household wire and fed with RG-8X coaxial cable . My 80 meter loop is configured as a delta loop with the apex of the loop set on a Norfolk Pine branch approximately 50-feet/15.24 meters above ground. I can feed this loop with either coaxial cable for single band use or with 450 ohm ladder line , a 4:1 balun, and a transmatch for multiband use. The one loop I didn't have was one for 10 meters. I came across this excellent four-part series by Dave Tadlock (KG0ZZ) on making a loop antenna for 10 meters. I decided to incorporate Dave's ideas in making my 10 meter loop, including the important planning phase, as described in part 1. Although it may appear tedious to proceed this way, I found having a clear idea of what you want the antenna ...