HF Pack Pedestrian Mobile with Super Antenna MP1. Post 1672.
If you can't view the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5aEhzEz-1k. Australian radio amateur Peter Parker (VK3YE) has inspired many of us to try pedestrian mobile operations. In this video from VA3OSO and VE3EPQ, we move from Peter's balmy Australian beaches and trails to the much colder climes of Canada to see how two hams cope with the weather as they talk around the world with a pedestrian mobile setup. Other than monitoring the weather, preparing for the chill factor, and the being mindful of the trailing mobile counterpoise, these radio amateurs appear to have enjoyed the experience of working pedestrian mobile contacts. Nicely done video which may inspire you to take your portable HF transceiver on the trail--hopefully when the weather is a bit more forgiving. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: http://www.HawaiiARRL.info. http://www....