HAM RADIO: Building a variable capacitor butterfly and two plate DIY capacitor for a magnetic loop antenna.
If you're going to build your own magnetic loop antenna, you'll need some capacitors to tune and adjust the loop. In this video, Mike (M0MSN) shows us how to build a butterfly and a two plate capacitor for a DIY magnetic loop antenna system. This project will allow you to fully control the tuning process for your homemade loop antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flJkCNMdpuc. Here are some comments from Mike (M0MSN): How to build your own Variable Capacitor, Time to finish this build. In this upload I build a slipring connector and Setup a Butterfly Capacitor, and put tuning knobs on them... Take a look at • HAM RADIO: Building a Variable Capaci... Sheet of aluminium (I used 2mm thick) 6mm OD aluminium tube (1mm wall) JigSaw with a fine metal cutting blade Scroll Saw and Blade Metal File M4 Threaded bar M4 Nuts and lots o...