HAM RADIO: 40M Spiral Magnetic Loop Antenna
Thanks to Mike (M0MSN) for this excellent antenna project. While this antenna is a bit more complex than some loop antennas, you should be able to complete the build and testing phases if you take your time. Mike takes us step-by-step through the design, construction, and testing of this fascinating antenna. If you can't see the video, please go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-g_ntx7vxs Here are some comments from Mike (M0MSN): HAM RADIO: 40M Spiral Magnetic Loop Antenna. Build a Loop antenna. I have already built a Spiral loop antenna for the 80M band that works brilliantly so I thought the time was right to try one for 40M, In this video I do just that build a spiral loop for the 40M band. Franks Website: https://www.nonstopsystems.com/radio/... Please subscribe and like. Cheers Mike - M0MSN P.S. do not take my word for it, give it a go for yourself. ----- Thanks for joining us today. Just a quick note for those following my geopolitical news blog (https://www.hawaii...