Get Ready for the Solar Minimum. Post #1023.
Title: Get Ready for the Solar Minimum. Authors: Steve Ford (WB8IMY), Joel Hallas (W1ZR), and Curt Luetzelschwab (K9LA). Source: "QST", February 2017, pp.48-51. Comment: While I was searching for low-band HF antenna ideas (160 through 40 meters) suitable for our changing propagation, I ran across this article in the February 2017 issue of "QST"-- the official membership journal of the ARRL. Steve Ford (the "QST") editor does a good job of describing how our operating habits will change as the Sun reaches solar minimum. According to Steve, "The solar minimum will have its greatest impact on the high- and medium-frequency bands, and we're already seeing hints of what is to come." In most cases, higher HF bands such as 12 and 10 meters will suffer the most fluctuation. Propagation won't be entirely dead above 24 MHz, but it will rely on "sporatic E" to send signals to distant points. As any 6-meter enthusiast will