Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Folded Dipole Calculator. Post #996.
Folded Dipole Calculator ( ( Accessed on 29 December 2016, 20:45 hrs, UTC . Please insert title or title URLs into your browser search box to read the full article. Comment: Folded Dipole Antennas are an interesting variant on the familiar half- wavelength dipole design. The folded dipole offers more bandwidth than a classic half-wavelength dipole and can be fed directly with 300 ohm television twin lead , since the nominal impedance of this antenna runs between 280 and 300 ohms. I've made several antennas of this type, using 300 ohm television twin lead for both the antenna elements and the feed line . You can match the folded dipole antenna to your rig with either a 1/4 wavelength coaxial cable transformer or though a balanced antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner"). A 4:1 current balun/"tuner" combination works fairly well, too. Use