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World's EASIEST Multi Band Antenna (Camping, Portable, Emergency)

  Thanks to Simon (VA7BIX) for this simple, effective antenna that goes perfectly with camping or any outdoor activity. All you need is some wire, a spare fishing reel, and a small antenna "tuner."  Antenna losses are minimized because the "tuner" is joined directly to the antenna wire. According to Simon, the antenna can be assembled in approximately 5 minutes once you've modified the "tuner" to hold the reel. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ Roberts (KH6JRM). Here are some comments from Simon (VA7BIX): Worlds EASIEST Multi Band Antenna (Camping, Portable, Emergency) #pota #dx #antenna #hamradio G'day Mates - here's a 5 minute build of a pretty crazy and fun 'lazy' antenna, that would be AWESOME for camping or any quick deployment. In fact, I think this would be the choice antenna