
Showing posts with the label Easy Build-short effective multi-band HF Vertical Antenna.

Easy Build-short effective multi-band HF Vertical Antenna.

  Thanks to Fraser, "The Radio Rover", for this ingenious, easily-made HF vertical antenna.   According to Frasier, this antenna is ideal for "camping, tiny summits, (and) Hotel balconies." Radio amateurs living in deed-restricted housing will this project a good solution to their operating restrictions. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browsers search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are some comments from Frasier: Build Instructions - build this in 20 minutes! Materials 1. Red banana plug 2. Black banana plug 3. BNC to banana plug adaptor 4. SOTABEAMS Tactical Top Insulator (Part no. TTOP-100) 5. Pre-constructed coax common mode choke 6. Pre-constructed 49:1 transformer (optional for the 40m band) 7. SOTABEAMS yellow lightweight wire (Part No. AWLW-100) Also, various lengths of heatshrink tubing in red and black and blue. Soldering iron and sol...