
Showing posts with the label Does It Work?

Attic Mounted HF Loop Antenna in HOA, Does It Work? Post #1610.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here's another idea for getting on the air in deed-restricted housing (HOA/CC&Rs). In this video, Eric of "HamRadioConcepts" mounts a popular MFJ magnetic loop HF antenna in a friend's HOA-controlled home.  An inexpensive TV rotator provides some directivity for the antenna. While this attic antenna is not an ideal arrangement, it will get you on the air.  Another case of "out of sight, out of mind."  It's also possible to erect an outdoor stealth antenna, but that will take more care and planning.  But for now, try this magnetic loop idea from Eric. Digital modes should work quite well with low-power antennas such as the MFJ loop. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these  websites: (a wee...