
Showing posts with the label Delta Loop Antenna

I made a multi-band delta loop antenna with 4:1 balun.

  Thanks to Callum (M0MCX) for this excellent tutorial on how to design, build, test, and use a multi-band delta loop antenna. Depending on your feed preference, you can choose either horizontal or vertical polarization.  This antenna is versatile and relatively easy-to-make. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are some comments and suggestions from Callum (M0MCX): n this video, I make a 40m delta loop out of Kevlar cored copper braid antenna wire, with strain relief and I attach the 4:1 balun that Mike and I made last year. Enjoy. Callum. Here's the article I found: The 4:1 Balun with Mike     ā€¢ How to Build a 4:1 Balun Start to Fin...   Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript...

Delta Loop Antenna

If you need an effective, simple multiband HF antenna for portable or field operations, please consider this Tactical Delta Loop design tested by OH8STN. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This is post 2774 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Here are some general comments from OH8STN: Hello Operators. Today we're coming to you from the solar powered Field Station in order to test a prototype portable Delta loop antenna from Chameleon Antenna called the TDL, Tactical Delta Loop. This is a portable ham radio delta loop, which can be easily carried and deployed. This portable delta loop is also a multiband Delta loop antenna, capable of operating from 40m through 10 m amateur radio bands. It can be set up as an inverted Delta Loop, or in a vertical configuration depending on your needs. This is an interesting ham radio antenna configuration, since it allows us Nvis, o...

Building a delta loop antenna for 6m FM

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Are you looking for an easy 6 meter antenna project during the "stay-at-home COVID-19 pandemic? If you want to do some antenna experimenting, then this well-done video tutorial from "" should answer the question. The small delta loop antenna is ideal for both home and portable use and can be made from locally available materials. Here are some general comments from the author: The delta loop full-wave antenna is easy to build, cheap, and has slightly better performance than a dipole. I built mine for my apartment to operate on 6m FL with my VRM-5080 military radio. Get extra content on Patreon: ----- Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Delta Loop Antenna

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: . This is post 2224 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Another great antenna for both home and portable operations is the classic "Delta Loop", which you can use in a variety of configuarations. In this video, retired broadcast engineer Julian (OH8STN) tests a prototype inverted delta loop antenna under winter field conditions. Here are some of his observations: "Hello Operators. Today we're coming to you from the solar powered Field Station in order to test a prototype portable Delta loop antenna for #ham #radio portable ops. This is a multiband Delta loop antenna, capable of operating from i0m through 10 m amateur radio bands. It can be set up as an inverted Delta Loop, or in a vertical configuration depending on your needs. This is an interesting ham radio antenna configuration, since it allows us N...

Simple Ham Radio Antennas: Delta Loop Antenna 40 through 10 meters. Post #315

I found this fascinating article by SV1CDY while I was searching for some multi-band loop antennas . I've used full-wave loops in the past and found them to be easy to build, portable, and cheap. I duplicated SV1CDY's design without resorting to the 56.7 uH coil, since I had enough space in my backyard for a full wavelength loop cut for 40 meters (7.088 MHz ). Like SV1CDY, I used some #18 AWG speaker wire for the feedline and connected that line to a W9INN 4:1 balun and then, using a short piece of RG-8X coaxial cable with UHF connectors, I attached that assembly to my Drake MN-4 antenna transmatch. For my version of SV1CDY's short loop, I used #12 AWG house wiring for the loop, three ceramic insulators to support the loop, a 33-foot/10.06 meters MFJ telescoping fiberglass mast, some prepositioned wooden stakes and nylon rope to tie off the bottom of the delta loop, and a 6-foot/1.82 meters wooden stake to keep the feedline off the ground until it reached the 4:1 b...

Simple Ham Radio Antennas. The Delta Loop. Post #294.


A 40-10 Meter sloping Delta Loop Antenna. Post #238.

A one-wavelength loop is one of my favorite antennas.  Loops may be built in a square, circular, rectangular, of triangular form to create an effective, inexpensive antenna.  Loops can be built for single band service using coaxial cable and a quarter wave transformer or for multiple band use employing 450 ohm ladder line fed into a 4:1 balun and then into an antenna transmatch.  A small length of 50 ohm coaxial cable with UHF fittings can be used to connect your transceiver to the transmatch. For my growing antenna farm at my new homesite in the Puna District of Hawaii Island, I needed an antenna which would give me good local coverage for local state wide nets and a decent signal for DX work.  From my location on Hawaii Island, almost anything beyond Hawaii counts as DX.  I elected to build a simple, one wavelength long sloping delta loop supported by a telescoping fiberglass mast and supported at the bottom ends by two wooden stakes. In order to cover 40...