
Showing posts with the label DIY 6 meter Moxon antenna

DIY 6 meter Moxon antenna

  Just in time for the ARRL Field Day or any other portable operation. In this video, Michael Martens (KB9VBR) introduces us to the versatile, easy-to-make, and highly efficient 6-meter Moxon antenna. This antenna can be added to your "field kit" or Field Day bag in a matter of minutes.  Six meter propagation improves during the summer, and this project is the perfect answer to snag some 6-meter contacts. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are some comments from Michael (KB9VBR): The 6 meter band is hot in the summer time and there is no better way to exploit it than with a directional antenna like the 6 meter Moxon. The Moxon is a 2 element Yagi that is inexpensive and easy to build, but also offers great results with 5.5dbi of gain and a 25db front to back ratio The KB9VBR 6 Meter Moxon Antenna Parts list...