Building an Emergency Ham Radio Go Box. Post 1895.
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Every radio amateur should have an emergency "go-kit" or "go-box" in case you have to operate in the field. In this well-made, easily understandable video from "Bluegrassmedia", we see how a surplus army ammunition box, a spare VHF/UHF transceiver, a few batteries, and a little imagination can get you on the air in a matter of minutes. Of course, don't forget spare batteries, an antenna, and an antenna "tuner" to round out your project. The video does a good job of showing how to prepare and assemble the basic elements of the "go-kit." Keep one of these kits in your vehicle or ham shack for the next emergency or portable operation. Take one of these kits with you on your next ARRL Field Day exercise. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: ...