
Showing posts with the label Building a Multi-Band Dipole Antenna.

Building a multi-band dipole antenna

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: .  This is post 2218 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. If you have limited space antennas on your property, why not design, build, and use a simple, multi-band antenna that performs just as well as a single-band dipole? In this video from Bob Plank, we get a good overall introduction to multi-band dipoles and the construction tips needed to make these antennas.  Don't be afraid to experiment with various dipole configurations, ranging from horizontal to vertical. Here are some of Bob's notes: "I built a multiband dipole that will work 40, 20, 17, and 10 meters for ham radio. An easy project I was able to tackle in one day. Calculations for the wire lengths can be found easily online. I used a program called N2IMF antenna I downloaded from that will assist in dipole wire length." ----

Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Building a Multi-Band Dipole. Post #505.

If you have trouble viewing this video, please enter this URL into your browser's search box: Excellent tutorial on building a Multi-Band Dipole using the "Fan Dipole" pattern from Bob Plank.  As constructed, this dipole will cover the 40, 20, 17, and 10 Meter Amateur Radio Bands.  The 40 meter elements can also be used as a 3/2 wavelength dipole on 15 meters.  An antenna transmatch ("tuner") would be helpful if you choose to use the 40 meter elements on 15 meters.  Construction is fairly simple, requiring some PVC pipe , a homemade balun , antenna wire, a few insulators, and suitable feed line .  You could probably design, build, erect, and use this type of antenna after a few hours work over the weekend. I've built a few "Fan Dipoles" in the past and they work very well.  If space is a problem, you can always erect the antenna as a sloper or as an inverted vee antenna .  You can use the basic 1/2 wavelength f