
Showing posts with the label Building a Hen-Tenna for 2 meters

Building a Hen-Tenna for 2 meters

Thanks to Paul (VK3HN) for this curious, innovative 2 meter mantenna known as the "Hen-Tenna." The antenna, first designed and used in Japan, has attracted the attention of antenna experimenters over the past few years. According to Paul (VK3HN), the antenna is easily-built and provides a modest amount of gain on the 2 meter band (around 3dB). If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here are some comments from Paul (VK3HN): Hen-tenna is a rectangular loop antenna (of Japanese origin) that hangs vertically but, surprisingly, is horizontally polarised. It is simple, compact and offers over 3dBd gain broadside. It is quite broad in its resonance, mine was under 1.3:1 from 144 to 146MHz. This video shows a version being made for 2m SSB, and a field test. Hentenna calculator: My blog: VK3HN's homebrew 2m SS...