
Showing posts with the label Building Project: 9:1 UnUn & Long Wire Antenna

Building Project: 9:1 UnUn & Long Wire Antenna

  The secret to making a great long wire antenna is the building of a 9:1 UnUn to insure a proper match between the high impedance of the wire antenna and the low impedance of your HF transceiver. In this video, TinkerJohn (W5CYF), takes us through the design, building, and testing phase of this 9:1 Unun project.  The build is fairly simple, and you should be able to assemble the unit in just a few hours. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Thanks for joining us today. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). Here are a few comments from TinkerJohn (W5CYF): Simple and inexpensive to build the 9:1 end fed long wire antenna is a good antenna for both portable and home use. This antenna, like all antennas, has it advantages and disadvantage. You’ll see some of both in this how to video. Amazon Link for other suggested items that may be related to this video: