Best amateur radio videos of 2018. Post 1747.
Best amateur radio videos of 2018. Accessed on 19 January 2019, 0413 UTC, Post 1747. Author: Michael Martens (KB9VBR). Please click the title URL to view your selections. Michael Martens (KB9VBR) has assembled 10 of his most popular antenna and equipment videos for an overall look at trends making headlines in 2018. Here are his most requested Amateur/Ham Radio videos of the past year: 2014 Subaru Outback radio install. NVIS or Near Vertical Incident Skywave Propagation. 2 meter VHF Quarter Wave Antenna. Intoduction to AFRS. How to build a DMR codeplug. Building a DVmega and Pi-Star DMR Hotspot. ICOM IC-718 transceiver controls and functions. October 2018 Channel Update. MURS or Multi Use Radio Service. Are Baofeng handheld radios illegal? All of these videos are fascinating, easy to follow, and offer valuable suggestions to both novice and experienced radio amateurs...