Attic Mounted HF Loop Antenna in HOA
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Radio amateurs living in deed-controlled homes, apartments, and condominiums face serious and often discouraging antenna scenarios. In this video from Eric of "HamRadioConcepts", we see how a simple HF Loop Antenna mounted in your attic can get you on the air. The important thing to remember is "Never give up." Here are some comments from Eric: I went to my friends house to check out his setup and get him up and running on some HF digital modes. A lot of hams are struggling in an HOA with antennas outdoors. I have some plans to go back to his house with some new ideas for stealth outdoor antennas, and some more tests with other options in his attic. But for now, John has worked more DX stations on PSK31 and FT8 from his attic mounted antenna then a lot of other hams have all year.