Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Antenna Basics. Post #922
Antenna Basics ( ( Accessed on 15 October 2016, 21:40 hrs, UTC. Author: Harry Lythall (SM0VPO). Please insert either of these two title URL links into your browser search box to read the full article. Comment: A concise, well-written antenna tutorial from Harry Lythall (SM0VPO). Harry does an excellent job of explaining the theory and design of basic dipole and vertical HF antennas. The article explores the following questions: What is wavelength? How long should antennas be? How does an antenna work? How does a 1/4 wavelength antenna work? How do I connect a 1/4 wavelength antenna to a transmitter? How do I know if an antenna is useless? A very good introduction to antennas for the newly-licensed radio amateur. For the latest Amateur Radio News and Information, please visit my two news sites: (for breaking news of the Amateur Radio community). htt